Friday, July 2, 2010


Oliva Wilde, won the title of world's sexiest vegetarian from Leona Lewis, who was voted top vegetarian in 2008 and 2009.

Whereas the sexiest male vegan goes to NBC's trainer Bob Harper, according to officials at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

This annual contest is designed to to raise the count having vegetarian/vegan diet while also demonstrating the sex appeal of vegetarians.

The Star is highly excited with this honour.

"I am really honoured, and very inspired to continue living the vegan lifestyle that has been so good to my body, my animal friends, and the world we live in, " the Daily Star quoted her as saying in post on her blog.

"Beyond my desire to boycott the torture factories, I am also way happier when I eat a plant based diet, and I feel about a thousand times more energetic," explains Wilde.

PETA estimates that following a vegan diet saves the lives of about 100 animals per year.This diet may also reduce the Green House effect's impact.

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