Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Mani Ratnam's Raavan has created a hype in New Zealand .New Zealand customs have seized 1,700 pirated copies preventing an Auckland-based Indian video hire business from hijacking the release of the film.

Raavan had its premier on June 18th,grossed $60,000 on its opening weekend in New Zealand, the third highest for a Bollywood movie in the past year, according to a Bollywood movie in he past year.

The lawyer acting for the film’s distributor, Claire Tompkins of intellectual property law firm James and Wells, said her client received an anonymous tip-off about the shipment arriving on the film’s opening weekend on June 18.

She filed a Copyright Customs Notice that allowed customs frontline officers to be on the lookout and detain any pirated copies coming in. This resulted in the shipment being found and held that weekend.

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