Thursday, July 1, 2010


Kunal kapoor was caught climbing into someone's house using pipeline in the late hours.

Hindi Films make the vertical sewage pipeline climb seem to be very simple which isn't that easy in the real life.As for kunal, who is moving to upper social class this incident turned out to be ugly.

An eye wittness says, "Kunal wanted to jump into his neighbour Nimesh’s house through a window. Nimesh stays on the third floor. But before Kunal could reach there, the building’s watchman spotted him climbing the pipe and ordered him to come down immediately."

Kunal and Nimesh are good friends.Kunal sketched a plan to play prank on Nimesh.The plan was that Kunal would broke into Nimesh's house and further let his friends in.They would displace everything in the living room and leave, so Nimesh would get shocked next morning.

It is not totally Kunal's plan.Surely there is involvement of others too as Kunal and his friends got easy access into the apartment.

“The watchman happened to pass by and spotted Kunal climbing the pipe.The watchman did not recognise him (Kunal, try a clean-shaven look the next time) as the light was very dim and immediately raised an alarm. Kunal came down as fast as he could, but by then; a few residents from the building were already witnessing the commotion,” said the witness.

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